definition mineral definitions

definition mineral definitions

Mineral Definition Meaning - Merriam-Webster

mineral. 1 of 2 noun. min er al ˈmin- (ə-)rəl. 1. : a solid chemical element or compound (as diamond or quartz) that occurs naturally in the form of crystals and results

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MINERAL English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

mineral definition: 1. a valuable or useful chemical substance that is formed naturally in the ground 2. a chemical. Learn more.

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Mineral Definition Meaning Dictionary

A naturally occurring, solid, inorganic element or compound having a uniform composition and a regularly repeating internal structure. Minerals typically have a

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Mineral - Wikipedia

The International Mineralogical Association has established the following requirements for a substance to be considered a distinct mineral: 1. It must be a naturally occurring substance formed by natural geological processes, on Earth or other extraterrestrial bodies. This excludes compounds directly and exclusively generated by human activities (anthropogenic) or in living beings (biogenic), such as tungsten carbide, urinary calculi

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Definitions of Health Terms : Minerals - MedlinePlus

2022年3月2日  Definitions of Health Terms: Minerals Minerals help our bodies develop and function. They are essential for good health. Knowing about different minerals and

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Mineral Definitions

"A mineral is an element or chemical compound that is normally crystalline and that has been formed as a result of geological processes" (Nickel, E. H., 1995). "Minerals are

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What are Minerals? - Common Minerals with Definition

Minerals Definition. Mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure. The earth is composed of mineral elements,

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What does mineral mean? - Definitions

a mine. Mineral verb. anything which is neither animal nor vegetable, as in the most general classification of things into three kingdoms (animal, vegetable, and mineral)

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Mineral - Definition, Meaning Synonyms Vocabulary

A mineral is a nonliving natural substance of a definite chemical composition. A mineral like manganese may help keep you healthy; a mineral like a diamond may help

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